Safety First!
One of the things I’ve thought about during this renovation process is how safe everything in our school is now. New siding, bamboo and tile flooring, new water lines and all the electric updated. It’s gorgeous. I cannot wait to share it once the final touches are added. Everything new, safe, beautiful. A few weeks…
Almost there!
We are really in the home stretch now. We’re expecting to be ready to move in by weekend after next! Here are a few pictures of the progress we’ve made so far this week. The deck is finsihed and beautiful! Today Erin and I put together the sandbox, and I can tell you it was…
Almost there!
I am excited to say that the renovation is almost complete. We are looking at a week from tomorrow for the completion of the renovation. So much to do, but also so much done. We’ve got flooring and tile and as I type this we’re finishing the electric and plumbing. It’s all coming together! Share…
The Sensorial Experience in the Montessori Classroom
Some of the most wonderful and unique Montessori materials can be found in the Sensorial area. “The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge….the number of different objects in the world is infinite, while the qualities they possess are limited. These qualities are therefore like the letters of the alphabet which…
5 Favorite Quotes From Peter Gray’s Free to Learn
I was nearly ready to push “submit” on this one when from across the crowded coffee shop I hear one adult talking to another about kids and technology, and how sad it is that today’s kids are so, “tweaked out on the internet”. I couldn’t hear every word, much to my eavesdropping chagrin, but they…